Check out the Economist’s Espresso App

Did you know that the Economist has a new iPhone app: Espresso? It delivers few short articles every morning of the week. In five minutes, you can read the important news of business and society. That’s efficient. Is it not?

The Economist is not a critical magazine at all. Its editors are proud of being the voice of bourgeoisie. Nonetheless, it is one of the most influential magazines because it is read by many policy makers, businessmen, and intellectuals…

If you like the Espresso app (a one-month free trial, after which full access will cost $3.99 a month.), then buy a subscription to the Economist. They have student deals. Me? I have a subscription to its digital and print edition (and I often download their voice recordings to my IPod).

This article is from The Economist Espresso: Graft industry: the business of bribery

2 thoughts on “Check out the Economist’s Espresso App”

  1. Good to know they now have an app. I sometimes get the economist magazine, (just to keep myself informed on a more global scale and/or sometimes their cover page catches my attention). Although it seems that almost every magazine caters to the bougoisie. It’s good to see through both lenses. One of my favorite magazines which is highly political and anti – capitalist is ADBUSTERS. In my opinion, it represents real current issues in our society and not what the media portrays. Wish some of their ads were made into posters and hung in every classroom.


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